Book Cover Photography - What Your Headshot Says About You as An Author


So you've wrote your first book - now think twice about your book cover headshot. 

Robynne Chutkan, a leading gastroenterologist, bestselling author, and founder of the Digestive Center for Women, needed a doctors headshot that that was both welcoming, and authoritative. Her "power stance" and smile helps communicate both of these things, simultaneously - her studies are now easier to trust, as there is a face behind the facts. A power stance is a common choice for authors, doctors, and lawyer portraits alike who want something less traditional but professional.

Hiring a trusted portrait photographer is vital because you're also hiring a personal branding expert. After all, first impressions are not just when you meet someone - in this case, the first impression is a book cover. 

The Microbiome Solution
explains how the standard Western diet and lifestyle are starving our microbiome, depleting the “good bugs” that keep us healthy and encouraging overgrowth of exactly the wrong type of bacteria. For more info, please visit

Photo Copyright 2016 Michael Benabib